Fun Photos
These are some fun photos of dogs that were born here at Kingdom Dalmatians
Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Nope. This is Gia's daughter Gabby. I am always blown away by the resemblance between these two sweet dogs. Here is what Christine had to say about Gabby:
We have received so many compliments on how pretty Gabby is... Yes she is a beauty... We celebrated her birthday with an Ice cream cone and dog treats.. Brenden and Morgan could not wait for the day.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Steeler Dog Stikes Again
Steeler earned his RL-1 (APDT RALLY Level 1) title in three straight trials on Saturday Dec 19th at the Monadnock Humane Society in Keene, NH. He got progressively better with each run earning scores of 189, 200, and 195! A perfect score is 200.
Nice job guys. You two make a great team!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Star Gazer
Jennifer sent this great picture of Steeler as he gazes out the window. You may notice the big heart on his shoulder. I think that heart belongs to Jenn, as I know this dog has stolen her heart. I love that Jenn keeps him in such a good weight and in great condition.
These two are a wonderful team and spend a lot of quality time training together.
Christmas Cards

Saturday, December 12, 2009
3 Of 12
Here are some recent shots of three of the dogs from the Twelve days off Christmas litter. The first is of the very handsome Luka. Luka was the biggest puppy in the litter. He went to live with Steve & Kim. Even though they thought they wanted a girl at the time, they took one look at his beautiful face and fell in love.

The next picture is of Mugsy. He was the quiet puppy in the litter that liked to sit back and watch as his littermates tormented each other. He is the very much loved and maybe a little spoiled dog of John & Libby.

This last picture is of Pager. Pager was the first champion from this litter and always showed her heart out for owner Melissa. Melissa owns three Dalmatian's, the youngest being a puppy of Pager's. Here is what she says about Christmas at their house.
Pager, Bugle and the newest brat Kindle are counting the days till Christmas. I know they are excited because Bugle has already piddled
on the tree, Pager is hiding from Kindle behind it and Kindle has tried to climb it, twice. We so love the holidays! -Best wishes, Melissa.
The next picture is of Mugsy. He was the quiet puppy in the litter that liked to sit back and watch as his littermates tormented each other. He is the very much loved and maybe a little spoiled dog of John & Libby.

This last picture is of Pager. Pager was the first champion from this litter and always showed her heart out for owner Melissa. Melissa owns three Dalmatian's, the youngest being a puppy of Pager's. Here is what she says about Christmas at their house.
Pager, Bugle and the newest brat Kindle are counting the days till Christmas. I know they are excited because Bugle has already piddled
on the tree, Pager is hiding from Kindle behind it and Kindle has tried to climb it, twice. We so love the holidays! -Best wishes, Melissa.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Happy Birthday to the 12 Days Litter
A very happy fourth birthday today to our Twelve Days of Christmas litter. This was the litter that my Gage came from so they are very special to me. They were born in December and there were twelve of them. Their co breeder Barb Allison suggested that they be named for the 12 days of Christmas and so they became:
A partridge in a pear tree. Party-- now Eden
Two turtle doves. Dove--now Arrow
A partridge in a pear tree. Party-- now Eden
Two turtle doves. Dove--now Arrow
Three french hens. Frenchy--now Rudy
Four colly birds. Bird--now Mugsy
Five gold rings. Goldy--now Gambit
Six geese laying. Goose--Steeler
Seven swans swimming. Swanny--now Asher
Eight maids milking. Maiden--now Piper
Nine drummers drumming. Drummer--now Luka
Ten pipers piping. Piper--now Pepper
Eleven ladies dancing. Dancer--now Pager
Twelve lords leaping. Leaper--now Gage
Happy Birthday Guys!
Kulikowski Boys
Peet & Rudy are ready for Santa to arrive. Both of these boys were born here at Kingdom Dalmatians. They are half brothers that were born two years apart. Rudy is from the Twelve days of Christmas litter out of Gia/Jigs. Peet is from the Bathtub Gang out of Gia/Tolliver. A big happy birthday to Rudy who turns four today.
Monday, November 23, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Little Miss Bailey wants to know what's up with all of her littermates. I hear from her owner that Bailey is more than she had hoped for. She has loads of energy and is a bit of a handful. Tracey says she is just so loving you can't help not correcting her sometimes. Tracey always believed Bailey looked like her mother Gia but has just seen a picture of daddy Tolliver and now thinks she is daddy's girl.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Tired Dog
AKC/UKC Ch. Kingdom's Twist of Fate CGC/TDI
Monday, September 14, 2009
New Title
This past weekend Joey and his owner/handler Kathy worked together as a team and earned his final leg for his first agility title. Not only did he earn his title but he did it with a first place win and a clean run. Way to go guys. We are so proud of this team. Joey will now be known as
Kingdom's My Pal Joey, RA,NA
Monday, September 7, 2009
Three New UKC Champions

Monday, August 31, 2009
Circus Performers

Yesterday the Greater Pittsburgh Dalmatian Club had their Fun Day In The Park. The theme for the day was "A Day At The Circus". What fun for all. After Jazz and her housemate Tess performed their very cute circus act for everyone, we all had a chance to get some pictures. Here is a very special shot of mother and daughter. Gia on the left wearing her circus tutu and pearls with Jazz on the right in her lion mane. Such sweet girls.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Bicycle Buddies
It was great hearing from Tomasz and hearing how great Pedro is doing. These two young guys keep in shape by biking together. It looks like Pedro worked harder than Tomasz. He tells me that Pedro is an awesome dog and a lover.
Tomasz tells me that Pedro is such a lover that he can't ever get close enough to you….he would sit on your head if you let him.
Tomasz tells me that Pedro is such a lover that he can't ever get close enough to you….he would sit on your head if you let him.
Pedro says "who me"?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Top Dog
Jazz Performs CPE Agility
In only Jazz's second CPE trial, she qualified and placed in five out of six runs, earning her Standard Level 1, Handler Games Level 1, and Fun Games Level 1 titles! What a great agility team. Lisa and Jazz are doing so well and having so much fun along the way, as Jazz continues to gain confidence. Great job girls!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Joey Does It Again
Joey just received his first leg in Rally Excellent. He also recently competed in AKC agility and took a first place in both his Standard and Jumpers courses. A big congratulations to his owner and trainer Kathy for a job well done. Joey is from the Zoe/Sawyer litter and will be turning nine years old in Feb. Go Joey!
Gabby Girl

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Agility Dog

Among Jazz' other talents, she is becoming quite the agility dog. This picture was taken at a recent trial where she showed the crowd how it is done. Lisa is doing a wonderful job with this lovely little brown dog. They have earned a rally obedience title, as well as her Canine Good Citizen and Therapy Dog titles and are well on their way to an agility title in Canine Performance Events. Jazz is a Gia/Tolliver daughter. She is not yet two years old. Great job girls!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Train Ride
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Zoe
Our Zoe turned 14 today. Though she isn't crazy about having her picture taken, she is still the picture of health. Her hearing is not the best but all other functions are still working well. She was so proud to be back in the show ring last month and earned a second place ribbon in the veteran class. Zoe was our first champion and the mother of two lovely litters in her younger days. She is still the guardian of all things outside of our fence.
Happy Birthday Zoe!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Fun At UKC
Gage and I, along with several of my Dal Pals decided to give the UKC shows a try this past weekend. What a great time we all had. Gage came away from the weekend with 90 points and two competition wins. He needs 10 more points and one more competition win to become a UKC champion. He was Best of Winners twice, Best of Breed once and a Group 2 winner once. We are very proud of this sweet, lovable dog.
Ch. Kingdom's Twist of Fate CGC, TDI
Saturday, June 20, 2009
New Title
Received word that Jazz completed the requirements for her Rally Novice title today. To make that even more special, she did it with a first place win. Way to go Jazz and Lisa. Jazz is just a year and a half old and has already earned several designations. She is now known as "Kingdom's All That Jazz, RN, CGC, TDI". I am sure there will be many more titles to come as she continues to compete in rally obedience and agility. Jazz is loved, trained and expertly (well most of the time) handled by Lisa Bauer. What a great team!
Saturday, June 6, 2009

I have been tagged by Lisa to tell how Gia, the mother of my last two litters, came into my life. In 2003, the first time I had heard about the litter that Gia came from was when my friend and fellow breeder Barb Allison and I were traveling to a dog show. Barb received a call on her cell phone from another fellow breeder that had just whelped a new litter from a very sweet Dal named Sweetie. Barb's Garrett was the daddy. That breeder was Jeff Gillespie and he was describing what he was seeing in the litter. The one little female he described as being a spitten image of her mother. I said, "that one's mine". Of course I knew I couldn't have one as I limit myself to three dogs and at that time I had three. Weeks went by and when those pups turned eight weeks, Barb and I headed to a parking lot that was half way between where we lived and where Jeff lived. Jeff was bringing a couple of puppies for Barb to choose from. Jeff got this funny looking little darkly marked puppy, that had a big sore on her head, out of his van (Gia, known to Jeff as Girl Friend). He also got out a lovely lightly marked female that had some missing eye trim. We let the puppies run around on the parking lot as we were trying to see who might have the best movement. I could not take my eyes off of Girl Friend as she flew around that lot. Barb was more inclined to take the prettier open marked puppy but she asked my opinion. I pointed to Girl Friend and said, "THAT ONE". Barb hesitated but finally gave in and we gathered up little Girl Friend and headed home. Barb soon renamed her funny little puppy Gia. In the coming weeks I ended up placing my youngest female Envy with my granddaughter, who had loved her from the day she was born. I then was down to two dogs. Weeks went by and Barb was heading to a show for the weekend. I was not going to that show so I offered to take care of four month old Gia while she was away. I brought Gia into my home for the first time and we all immediately fell in love with her. The weekend ended and I took Gia back to Barb's house. I was telling Barb how much we loved that sweet little puppy and she said, "do you want her?" I was stunned, but my answer was a resounding YES. I gathered up my sweet, funny looking little girl and headed home. Gia has been such a wonderful blessing in our home and has produced 22 lovely puppies for us, including our beloved Gage. I thank Barb for all that she has taught me about showing and breeding but most of all, for sharing this sweet girl with me. I now tag Barb to tell us about Gia's daddy Garrett and what he means to her.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Priceless Photo

For those that don't follow Jazz and Tess's blog, I thought you should see this most precious picture of the two girls. On the way home from an agility trial this past weekend the girls were worn out and Lisa caught this picture of them as they snoozed on the console of the truck. Gotta love these dogs.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Pager and Her Babies
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Does this look like a grandma to you? Gia is now the grandmother of 23. Daughter Gambit gave birth to her second litter earlier this month. She had nine puppies--7 girls and 2 boys. We are excited to report that this litter is from the backcross project and three of the puppies from this litter have normal uric acid. Gambit is owned and loved by Barb Allison of Rim Rock Dalmatians. This litter can be followed by going to:
Today another daughter, Pager, gave birth to eight puppies. There are 5 girls and 3 boys. Mother and babies are doing well. Pager is owned and loved by Melissa Cimra.
Melissa will be doing a blog of Pager's pups soon and I will post it at that time. Stay tuned.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
And She Scores!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Beautiful Bailey
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Joey Does It Again
Joey will now be known as Kingdom's My Pal Joey, RA
Monday, March 16, 2009
Now and Then
Gage enjoys celebrating St. Patrick's day. Once again he marched in the Pittsburgh St. Patrick's day parade. He was cute at 13 weeks and is still cute at 3 years.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Sweet Valentines
I received this very cute Valentine card today from JoAnna and Geno. Joanna tells me that the photo studio asked her permission to put the Valentine picture up on a Steelers board and wanted to display another of him alone and another of her and Geno in their Penguin gear in the store as well. JoAnna also told me that there was a lady in the store that told her that Geno was the most beautiful Dalmatian that she had ever seen. These two are a very photogenic pair.
Pedro The Great
I recently received a disk of wonderful pictures of Pedro and his family. There were so many wonderful pictures that I could not decide what to put on here. Here are just a few of the ones that made me smile. Pedro is owned and very much loved by Tomasz and his lovely fiancee.
Pedro meets a cat.

A very handsome dude.
Grandma what big teeth you have.
That was the funniest thing I have ever heard.
A very handsome dude.
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